Nemaplot Hyperspektraldaten Analyse und PopulationsmodelleEvaluation reinvented



Comparison of spectral signals
Main topic of Nemaplot consultancy is the analysis of optical properties used in non-invasive and non-destructive sampling techniques in natural sciences. The combination of hyperspectral reflectance systems and our patented analysis technique allows the early detection of various treatment effects in common experimental situations. The advanced separation skills provide statistical evidence based on multivariate procedures, even when spectral signatures differ marginal only (s. example). The developed techniques are most suitable for avoiding time consuming screening procedures in lab, glasshouse and field experiments.

The development of a NIRS analysis and calibration systems in the domains of 1200 to 2400 nm is a second topic of Nemaplot research. The method requires a certain amount of calibration data, but, in case of an empirical correlation, provides an excellent tool to estimate quantitative data of ingredients, substances or concentrations. The objectives are to accelerate complex lab analytics by partial replacements of NIRS Data. The precision varies with the complexity of the searched substances and the size of the calibration data.

Nemaplot develops models for the simulation of the dynamics of biological processes. These models are commonly based on parsimonious structures, emphasising the practicability in agricultural sciences. Some projects are still under development and will be continuously revised.

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