Nemaplot hyperspectral data analysis and population modellingEvaluation reinvented


Modeling and density estimation of Heterodera schachtii populations

Damage beet cyst nematode
Field symptoms of H. schachtii
Growth reduction by H. schachtii
Heterodera schachtii Cysts, eggs, Juveniles
Sugar beet canopies with BCN

Interval of density by the choice of crop rotation and no of generations, a parsimonious difference equation

Formerly a Java applet for online applications have been placed at this position. The security demands of Java or browsers of today are so strict, the applet does not even run on my own computer anymore. Alternatively, we produced the results graphically for all combinations available and provide the basic backgrounds.

The model predicts the long term dynamics of BCN Heterodera schachtii on a discrete year axis. An initial value of the population Pi is required. The following difference equation difference equation calculates the population size at year n+1 as a function of the Pi value at n, the number of generations and the type of cultured crop. This autumn value is reduced by a constant overwintering rate pov (= 0.6) determining the target size eggs & juveniles/100 ml soil for the next spring. The population decreases under the chosen non-host of the crop rotation with certain probabilities, and finally results in a Pi value at pre-planting next time sugar beet. The objectives are to keep the population density of BCN below the threshold level of 500 E&J/100 ml soil at planting sugar beet. The images reflect the hypothetical frame of the population dynamics as controlled by the simple input variables. The "real" dynamics are somewhat within these confidence interval.

Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Sugar beet monoculture with 1 generation, ~ cold weather conditions
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Sugar beet monoculture with 2 generations, ~ medium weather conditions
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Sugar beet monoculture with 3 generations, ~ warm weather conditions
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Two crops rotation with one generation
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Two crops rotation with two generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Two crops rotation with three generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Three crops rotation with one generation
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Three crops rotation with two generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Three crops rotation with three generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Four crops rotation with one generation
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Four crops rotation with two generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Four crops rotation with three generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Five crops rotation with one generation
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Five crops rotation with two generations
Heterodera schachtii dynamics
Five crops rotation with three generations
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